• Address

    1009 Highway 20,
    Thibodaux, LA 70301 US

  • Address

    1009 Highway 20,
    Thibodaux, LA 70301 US



We provide immunization services to our patients. The patient must have an examination by the veterinarian before any vaccinations are administered. Below we have listed our puppy/kitten, canine, and feline vaccination protocol.

Puppy Vaccine Protocol: A description of what vaccines are given to puppies and at what stage of life. We have also included additional treatments to expect at those visits.

  • 6 Weeks: DA2PP (Distemper, Parvo, Parainfluenza, & Adenovirus), Bordetella (Kennel Cough Vaccination), Examination, Fecal Examination (checking for intestinal parasites), & Free dose of Heartworm & Flea Prevention along with their puppy kit.
  • 9 Weeks: Rebooster DA2PP, Examination, Recheck Fecal Examination, & next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
  • 12 Weeks: Rebooster DA2PP, Examination, A fecal examination is not performed unless the previous samples were positive. We will continue to recheck a fecal sample until we have had 2 negative samples. Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention
  • 16 Weeks: Rebooster DA2PP, Rabies Vaccine, Examination, & fecal examination if previous were positive. Next dose of heartworm/flea prevention.

Adult Canine Vaccine Protocol: A description of what vaccines are given to adult canines. We have also included additional treatments to expect at these visits.

  • Annual Exam: DA2PP (administered at their 1st annual exam and then every 3 years), Bordetella (only administered to the pets that are being brought around possible unvaccinated dogs such as dog parks, pet stores, groomers, etc.), & Rabies Vaccine (given annually). We also check a fecal sample & heartworm test annually.
  • Semi-Annual Exam: Bordetella (only if the patient is being brought around possible unvaccinated dogs such as dog parks, pet stores, groomers, etc.). This exam is important to diagnose diseases sooner than waiting an entire year with a possible problem. Pets age faster than humans, so getting them into a veterinarian once a year is an equivalent to us seeing a doctor every 7 years.

** We also offer Lepto & Lyme vaccines at the owner's request and the type of exposure.**

Kitten Vaccine Protocol: A description of what vaccines are given to kittens and at what stages of life. We have also included the additional treatments to expect at these visits.

  • 9 Weeks: FERCP, Examination & Fecal Examination. We also recommend a Feline Leukemia and HIV test for all new kittens. FREE dose of Advantage Multi included in a kitten kit.
  • 12 Weeks: FELV (Leukemia Vaccine), FERCP, Examination, & Fecal Examination. Next dose of Advantage Multi.
  • 16 Weeks: FELV, FERCP, Rabies & Examination. A fecal sample is not rechecked unless we have not had 2 negative samples.

Adult Feline Vaccine Protocol: A description of what vaccines are given to adult felines and additional treatments to expect at these visits.

  • Annual Exam: FELV (administered at their 1st annual and not reboostered unless the cat is exposed to outdoors or any unvaccinated cats), FERCP (administered at their 1st annual and then every 3 years), Rabies (administered annually). A fecal examination is done annually. A Leukemia and HIV test is recommended for any cat that has been unprotected and may have been around any unvaccinated cats.


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Office Hours


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 5:00 pm


8:00 am - 12:00 pm



New clients receive $20 OFF their first visit

Restrictions Apply. Must mention at time of first visit. Cannot be combined with any other promotional offers.
